Stars In The Sky



Stars In The Sky is Michael’s legacy. Our mission is to prevent sarcoma fatalities by raising community awareness of sarcoma in young people through the provision of free education on sarcoma cancer and early symptoms.


Stars In The Sky is Michael’s legacy. Our mission is to prevent sarcoma fatalities by raising community awareness of sarcoma in young people through the provision of free education on sarcoma cancer and early symptoms.



 Our non-profit is a haven of support and empowerment for young individuals diagnosed with sarcoma. We are dedicated to raising awareness of sarcoma cancer and providing a nurturing community that empowers and supports those affected by this rare disease. 


Raising awareness in the community by emphasising the importance of early detection through educational initiatives


Empowering patients and their families with access to vital resources and information on sarcoma


Raising funds towards advancing research for better treatments and ultimately finding a cure


Michael was diagnosed in July 2020 with a rare form of bone cancer called Ewing’s Sarcoma. After a strong battle, Michael sadly lost his life on August 18, 2021. 

Michael continues to live through the spirit of Stars In The Sky. Michael’s foundation was established with the deepest intentions of carrying his legacy forward. We exist to share everything that he is, and to preserve his essence in this beautiful way. 


Michael’s influence on my life and those he loved is endless. It is very important for me to share the way he learned to live his life during the cancer journey.  Discovering how beautiful life is out of the most challenging of circumstances made this journey the most defining and heartbreakingly beautiful time of our lives.


Michael is the most positive and motivating force in my life, and the reason I keep on doing what I do. I refuse to let this beautiful life end by being cut so short. It’s my higher purpose to ensure Mike’s messages transcend so he can help other young people going through this difficult journey. In my eyes he continues to exist in this form, so he can continue to spread his love from somewhere higher and more powerfully than we can by existing here. 


As above, so below. 


Jessica  Tok 


Run For A Loved One is our leading campaign dedicated to raising sarcoma awareness in the sporting community.


Sarcoma is often misdiagnosed as a sporting injury, which leads to significant delays in receiving proper treatment and care.


Through our campaign we host a regular run club and participate in running events around Sydney.


Our collective is not just about running; it’s about love and remembrance. We run for those we cherish, for those who can’t run, and for the community we hold dear.



Recognising the signs of sarcoma is vital for early detection and improved outcomes. Sarcomas may present as lumps, pain, or limited mobility. Stay vigilant, as early identification increases treatment success. By raising awareness, we can save lives and support those affected by this rare cancer.


  • Intermittent pain, tenderness and swelling 
  • Check any lumps, particularly if growing in size
  • Reduced movement
  • Fevers and night sweats
  • Unexpected weight loss 





Through the incredible generosity of our donors, your contributions help us build a robust community-driven space, fostering vital resources, research, and care for those affected by sarcoma. Together, we forge a powerful force in the battle against this disease, offering hope and strength to all impacted.